
Saturday, January 2, 2010

past : now : future

first,i wish everyone Happy New Year~~~~
er...actually i wish to blog something to review back my 2009 on 31th of 2009,but i went to have dinner with my parents and their friends,then off to Desa Park enjoyed the firework,once i reach home i straight away become a pig,totally no energy to blog,moreover that time already 2010....
T__T i din expected i will back home so late,made my last post in 2009 gone away...

Never mind,i still got 1st of 2010,but too bad,on the first day of new year i was tooooooooooooooooooooo lazy to blog,although feel like wanna conclude my 2009 life on the first day of 2010,but really too lazy to blog >.<
Now only i realize i should not be so lazy,because if the first day of the new year i already so lazy,can u imagine the rest of day in 2010??? =o= i not dare to imagine~~~

Until today,now,i really have the urge to blog something,some shit also never mind,just feel like write something in my blog in order to let the future me remember my feeling now~~~

My feeling now is =) yeah~~~ happy...
Because i was here safely and healthy with all the loves
I appreciate everything just like i appreciate all my thing

The past few days actually having some bad news about the bus crash and 10 people died and also the family having accident cause 4 people died....
Looking at the news,my heart is like "五味杂成" ,people,please realize life is fragile,you will never know what will happen tomorrow,so please appreciate those people beside you now,let them know how important are them for you,do something will never regret yourself =)

okok,i simply write finish liao....
Oh yeah baby~~~

Finally successfully blog something~~~

and last put my cute cute photo wish everyone happy new year =)
Merry X'mas~~~~HOHOHO

p/s:okok~~~i know Christmas gone so long dy~~but i love the laughing sound~~Hohoho


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